- 展示菜单(SidebarList组件)
- 最多两层菜单结
- 外层菜单若有子菜单,则可以下拉展示;若没有,则会根据href进行跳转
- 下拉状态管理
- 侧边菜单状态响应(isSidebarShown)
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| export const TOGGLE_MENU_DOWN = 'TOGGLE_MENU_DOWN' export const TOGGLE_MENU_UP = 'TOGGLE_MENU_UP' export function toggleMenuDown(index) { return { type: TOGGLE_MENU_DOWN, index } } export function toggleMenuUp(index) { return { type: TOGGLE_MENU_UP, index } }
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| import { TOGGLE_SIDEBAR, TOGGLE_MENU_DOWN, TOGGLE_MENU_UP } from '../actions/commonActions' function arraySet(how, array, one) { let index = array.indexOf(one) let arr = array.concat() switch (how) { case 'add': if (index === -1) arr.push(one) return arr case 'remove': if (index > -1) arr.splice(index, 1) return arr default: return arr } } function activeMenus(menus = [], action) { switch (action.type) { case TOGGLE_MENU_UP: return arraySet('remove', menus, action.index) case TOGGLE_MENU_DOWN: return arraySet('add', menus, action.index) default: return menus } } const AppReducer = combineReducers({ isSidebarShown, activeMenus })
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| import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react' import { Link } from 'react-router' const menus = [{ icon: 'fa-wrench', text: '基础配置', childMenus: [{ href: '/home/setting/system', text: '系统配置' }, { href: '/home/setting/service', text: '服务配置' }] }, { icon: 'fa-wrench', text: '高级配置', childMenus: [{ href: '', text: '高级配置1' }, { href: '', text: '高级配置2' }] }, { icon: 'fa-sun-o', text: '任务管理', href: '/home/task' }] let locationLast = '' export class SidebarList extends Component { render() { const that = this const { onMenuToggle, isActivedMenu, isSidebarShown } = that.props return ( <ul className="nav side-menu"> { menus.map(function (menu, i) { // 判断当前菜单路由是否激活状态 let isRouteActive = menu.href ? that.context.router.isActive(menu.href, true) : false return ( // 若一级菜单有href,则进行跳转,并注销所有菜单的下拉状态 // 若没有,则进行子菜单的下拉或者收起 <li onClick={() => { if (menu.href) { onMenuToggle(i, isRouteActive); that.context.router.push(menu.href) } else { onMenuToggle(i, isActivedMenu(i)) } } } // 若激活状态,则添加激活样式 className={isActivedMenu(i) ? (isSidebarShown() ? 'active' : 'active-sm') : (isRouteActive ? 'active' : '')} key={i}> <a> <i className={'fa ' + menu.icon}></i> {menu.text} { // 若菜单有子菜单,则显示右侧箭头 !menu.href ? <span className={isActivedMenu(i) ? 'fa fa-chevron-down' : 'fa fa-chevron-right'}></span> : null } </a> { // 若菜单有子菜单切处于下拉状态,则展示子菜单列表 (that.props.isActivedMenu(i) && !menu.href) ? <ul className="nav child_menu"> { menu.childMenus.map(function (childMenu, j) { // 判断当前子菜单路由是否激活状态 let isActive = that.context.router.isActive(childMenu.href, true) return ( // 若当前子菜单路由激活,则加载激活样式 <li key={j} className={isActive ? 'slide-item current-page' : 'slide-item'}> <Link to={childMenu.href} onClick={(e) => { e.stopPropagation() } }>{childMenu.text}</Link> </li> ) }) } </ul> : null } </li> ) }) } </ul> ) } } SidebarList.contextTypes = { router: React.PropTypes.object } export default SidebarList
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| import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react' import { toggleMenuDown, toggleMenuUp, toggleMenuFocus } from '../../../../actions/commonActions.js' import SidebarList from './SidebarList.jsx' export class Sidebar extends Component { render() { const that = this const { dispatch, isActivedMenu, isSidebarShown } = that.props const username = sessionStorage.getItem('username') return ( <div className="col-md-3 left_col menu_fixed"> <div className="left_col scroll-view"> <div className="navbar nav_title" style={{ border: 0 }}> <a href="index.html" className="site_title"><i className="fa fa-paw"></i> <span>管理系统</span></a> </div> <div className="clearfix"></div> <div className="profile"> <div className="profile_pic"></div> <div className="profile_info"> <h2><span>欢迎回来, </span> { username }</h2> </div> </div> <div className="clearfix"></div> <div id="sidebar-menu" className="main_menu_side hidden-print main_menu"> <div className="menu_section"> <br /> <h2>管理菜单</h2> <SidebarList // 传入onMenuToggle, isActivedMenu, isSidebarShown给SidebarList isActivedMenu={index =>isActivedMenu(index)} isSidebarShown={isSidebarShown} onMenuToggle={(index, state) => { dispatch(state ? toggleMenuUp(index) : toggleMenuDown(index)) } }> </SidebarList> </div> </div> </div> </div> ) } } export default Sidebar
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| ... import Sidebar from '../components/Sidebar' <Sidebar dispatch={dispatch} isActivedMenu={isActivedMenu} isSidebarShown={isSidebarShown}></Sidebar> function connectState(state) { return { isActivedMenu(index) { if (state.activeMenus.includes(index)) return true return false }, ... } }
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| export class SidebarList extends Component { ... checkActiveMenu() { const that = this menus.forEach((item, i) => { if (item.href) { let state = that.context.router.isActive(item.href, true) if (state) that.props.onMenuToggle(i, !state) } else if (item.childMenus) { item.childMenus.forEach(childMenu => { let state = that.context.router.isActive(childMenu.href, true) if (state) { that.props.onMenuToggle(i, !state) } }) } }) } }
- componentDidMount生命周期
- 在初始化渲染执行之后立刻调用一次,仅客户端有效(服务器端不会调用)
- 在生命周期中的这个时间点,组件拥有一个DOM展现,你可以通过
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| export class SidebarList extends Component { ... componentDidMount() { this.checkActiveMenu() } }
- componentDidUpdate生命周期
- componentDidUpdate(object prevProps, object prevState)
- 在组件的更新已经同步到DOM中之后立刻被调用。该方法不会在初始化渲染的时候调用。使用该方法可以在组件更新之后操作DOM元素
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| export class SidebarList extends Component { ... componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevStates, other) { if (other.router.location.pathname !== locationLast) { this.checkActiveMenu() locationLast = other.router.location.pathname } } }

